Архив рубрики: Rural aspect

Factors that facilitate development of small agricultural cooperative farm alliances


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O Afanaseva et al 2021 Factors that facilitate development of small agricultural cooperative farm alliances. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 935 012045 DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/935/1/012045
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Никоновские 20191

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Афанасьева О.Г. Сельский аспект в пространственном развитии Волго-Камского макрорегиона России. — Материалы XХIV Никоновских чтений межд. НПК «Сельские территории в пространственном развитии страны: потенциал, проблемы, перспективы», 21-22 окт. 2019 г. – Москва: ВИАПИ им. А.А. Никонова, 2019. – С.173-179.

Afanaseva O. (2019). Rural aspect in the spatial development of the Volga-Kamsky macroregion of Russia. Nikon Readings, 24, 173-179.

Abstract. In the Strategy for Spatial Development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025, with the aim of strengthening interregional cooperation and coordination of socio-economic development, the subjects of the country are grouped into 12 macroregions. Volga-Kama macroregion (hereinafter — VKM) includes 8 subjects: Rep. Mari El, Mordovia, Tatarstan, Udmurt and Chuvash, Perm Territories, Kirov and Nizhny Novgorod Regions.
The work analyzed the potential of the agricultural capital sectors of these entities. In general, the indices of the use of the potential of the agricultural capital sectors in the context of regions demonstrate their insufficiency: the average values ​​for the VKM regions are no more than 45%. Above average indicators are observed for the Resp. Mordovia, Tatarstan and Kirov region. The outsiders are the Perm Territory and the Rep. Mari El — the average level of potential utilization is less than 40%.

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Обзор проблем воспроизводства трудового потенциала на селе и предлагаемых мер государственной поддержки

Обзор проблем воспроизводства трудового потенциала на селе и предлагаемых мер государственной поддержки

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Афанасьева О.Г. Обзор проблем воспроизводства трудового потенциала на селе и предлагаемых мер государственной поддержки. — Инновационное развитие отраслей АПК: угрозы и новые возможности: сборник трудов по материалам Международной НПК 24 нояб. 2016 г. ФГБНУ ВНИИЭСХ и ФГБНУ ВСТИСП. – М.: «Научный консультант», 2016. – С. 31-37.

Afanaseva, O. G. (2017) Overview of labor potential reproduction problems in the countryside and the government supports. Proceedings from International SPC: Innovative development of agro-industrial sectors: threats and new opportunities. Moscow, Russia: Nauchnyy konsul’tant. 31-37.

Abstract: This article describes the problem of expanded reproduction of labor potential in rural areas. The proposed review of the situation of the working population in the agricultural sector reveals the main negative trends in the sector and to establish the main factors contributing to negative changes in the countryside. Also, consider the basic directions of support of young professionals in rural areas and calculated the efficiency of the government subsidies.

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